Audience Development Strategies

Audience Development Strategies

Audience Development allows the Entertainment producer to connect directly with its indented audience. It’s being used extensively in the last couple of years, from independent movies that have a companion web site and a Facebook Fan page, to the multi-million dollar interactive experience that involve games, web sites and live events. What all these projects have…

Transmedia Storytelling: What is Transmedia?

It’s all about Transmedia Storytelling, Marketing, Participatory Media and Convergence. Every producer aspires to design an entertainment brand that can grow into a pop icon, a brand whose storyworld or hero has enough creative potential to power spin-offs and reboots, theme park rides and acres of merchandise. So how can independents achieve this degree of success if they don’t…

How to craft a Story for a Transmedia Audience

How to craft a Story for a Transmedia Audience

From beginning to end, a transmedia storytelling should be a social experience, one which draws people together and unifies them through shared and common experiences. At present, producers, writers and creators are obsessed with creating toys and applications which are too exclusive. They do not address the primary goal of storytelling—bringing people together by revealing some truth about…